
You will find my articles, editorials, essays, reviews, and interviews in this section of the site. Many were commissioned, some appeared in Openings, and others are exclusive to this site. The subject matter is separated in the drop-down lists broadly by content. But because so much of what I do forges links and connections between topics, many of these pieces touch on more than one broad area. You will also find writings related to my current work on wisdom-based intercultural and international relations. Explore at your leisure.
Topics in this section are also listed on the left side of this page, and every article has a corresponding blog, which is the place to comment, join existing discussions, or start one yourself, which you are most welcome to do. We also want to invite you to subscribe to the site (see below, and it’s free). This just means that you will receive email notices when new stuff gets posted. Don’t worry, we’re not going to swamp your Inbox with stuff. You’ve probably already been able to tell that that is not what this site is about. You might hear from us twice in one month, but then not for 2-3 months – not because we’re not hard at work but precisely because we are.