Pamela MacKenzie (conversation)
Charles Strohmer talks with Dr. Pamela Mackenzie about Christianity, wholistic education, and her work in tribal regions.
Charles Strohmer talks with Dr. Pamela Mackenzie about Christianity, wholistic education, and her work in tribal regions.
Thank you so much for your comments! It’s nice to know that there are people who think the same way… But since 2000, so much has happened, particularly with education for the tribal/indigenous communities both in India and in Bangladesh.
The Indian governments in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa decided in 2003 and 2005 respectively to start a multilingual education programme that I and a group which we had formed suggested to them. Central government in Delhi also heard about it, and from that time until recently we had worked with the Ministries and universities (linguistic departments) to develop a primary education programme using mother tongue first and adding new languages. This programme is now doing reasonably well in both States and other states are beginning to plan and develop similar programmes.
I also worked on a UNDP education programme with SIL Bangladesh and Save the Children in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh from 2006. Here we worked together with the indigenous groups starting with a preschool programme using mother tongues. It has been an amazing time and such a blessing to work together with such wonderful people in these remote places of the world.
A recent conference (the third of its kind in the last decade) took place last year in Bangkok. The presentations can be found at: http://www.seameo.org/LanguageMDGConference2010/presentations.html
If you want to see mine, it’s on Wednesday afternoon!
There is also a blog spot now for Multilingual education in India: http://mle-india.blogspot.com/
which gives much of the history of things which happened in the education of minority groups in India.
Hope this gives some indication of what has been going on.
My own website shows a bit more (although it needs updating): http://www.infd.org.uk
Also known as Pam!
Hello again Charles,
No I didn’t tick the little square at the bottom ~ so will do now, & trust that that will work.
Have replied via the other email… [See above reply.]
Hi there Charles,
I actually was googling my name along with my husbands to find a photo of us, which may have been published, but I found this Pamela MacKenzie, & decided after reading the blurb to click on it. I’m SO glad I did. Wow, I like this woman!!
Couldn’t stop reading & even though I am not a teacher/educator as such, I am a mum, now a grandma, & think what she says here is wonderful & I hope this can happen in our schools here in the Western world, along with place like India etc.
I see this was taken from a published article in 2000, so what is Dr Pamela MacKenzie doing now in 2011? Would love to know more please if that’s possible?
Pamela (normally known as Pam)